Resilient Custom Printed Lawn & Soils Bags
When businesses sell gardening materials in bulk, transporting them is always a concern. Soil, mulch and other granule materials cannot simply be received with holes puncturing weak
bags. tests and verifies all
lawn & soils materials to be strong enough to resist even the most volatile shipment movements. Consider these features to incorporate into any gardening business's storage and packaging procedures.
Interior and Exterior Detail
Creating gardening
bags isn't as simple as a basic sandwich baggie. In fact,
lawn & soils plastics require a specialized design for functionality. When businesses run their hands across the bag's interior walls, they'll feel a slick surface. This smooth construction eases twigs, leaves, grass and other gardening waste into the
bag. The exterior has more texture, allowing it to remain in place when stacked for transport.
Color and Text Options
Highlight a business with
custom text in almost any color possible. Choose the text size and even the bag's color. Every garden these bags encounter will be met with constant advertising among other professionals and residents alike.
No Punctures
The largest concern for gardening containers is puncture-free designs.'s design team ensures that all products can withstand some piercing without cutting through the entire bag.
Soils must be contained for quality gardening at any job site.
Bagged Solutions
Give a call or fill out
this form. Specify that
custom printed materials are necessary for gardening applications, and representatives will carve a new order out for rapid completion. With rush capabilities, is here to serve the gardening business world with
custom products that last.